U.  The Protocol Plan of God for the Great Power Experiment of the Church Age.

            1. God is infinitely and eternally perfect. A perfect God can only devise a perfect plan. The protocol plan of God is a perfect plan designed for imperfect persons. But how can anyone design a perfect plan for fools, since fools are so ingenious in destroying such plans?

            2. Imperfect persons cannot contribute to or execute the protocol plan of God through their own personality, ability, self-sacrifice, works, emotion, talent, or any form of human dynamics.

            3. Perfect God has provided His own perfect power to fulfill the protocol plan of God for the Church Age. That perfect power excludes human power, human ability, energy of the flesh.

            4. The perfect power of God and human dynamics are mutually exclusive. Therefore, there is no place in the protocol plan of God for any form of human dynamics.

            5. Precedence for the provision of divine power is taken from the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union. The divine omnipotence available to the humanity of Christ during the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union has now become available to every Church Age believer. Without using what God has provided in grace, there is no way we can take our imperfections, sincerity, emotion, good deeds, and even come close to executing the protocol plan of God!

            6. The protocol plan of God emphasizes the utilization of divine power, the omnipotence of God. Protocol emphasizes aristocracy, which is what we are since salvation, and it indicates learning the manners, function, modus operandi, and modus vivendi of the Christian way of life. It can also be called the unique life, emphasizing the indwelling of all three persons of the Trinity:  God the Father, Eph 4:6; God the Son, Col 1:27; and God the Holy Spirit, 1 Cor 6:19. It can also be called the lifestyle of wisdom, which emphasizes epistemological rehabilitation after salvation and cognition of the Christian life.

            7. Protocol is the divine plan for you in this Church Age. Protocol is divine power delegated to each of us as believers so that each of us has the power, ability, and moxie to glorify God in two stages: advance to gate #8, spiritual maturity, and passing evidence testing.

            8. So protocol is the utilization of divine power for the greatest invisible impact in history. Being invisible means it is the greatest impact of all time. Outside of the Church Age, all historical impact is very visible. But this is the only dispensation of no prophecy, only historical trends. Therefore, our impact is to be invisible.

            9. By definition, protocol is a rigid, long-established code and procedure, prescribing complete deference to superior rank and authority, followed by strict adherence to due order and precedence, coupled with precisely correct procedure.

     10. Protocol is a “rigid, long-established code and procedure” for every Church Age believer as royal family of God.

                        a. The protocol code is the divine system for the utilization of divine power whereby every Church Age believer is able to glorify God.

                        b. The system for utilizing this is called the divine dynasphere, derived from the Greek words DUNAMIS (power) plus SPHEIA (sphere). Inside the divine dynasphere, the believer functions under two categories of divine power:  the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit and the power of Bible doctrine.\

                        c. Therefore, the long-established code is summarized in the believer’s day by day residence inside the divine dynasphere, under the enabling power of the Spirit, and momentum from metabolized doctrine.

                        d. The rigid, long-established code is based on the fact that God has only one way of doing a thing:  the right way. The right way is compatible with the divine attributes, including the delegated power of omnipotence.

                        e. Therefore, in God’s plan, a wrong thing done in a wrong way is wrong. A right thing done in a wrong way is wrong. A wrong thing done in a right way is wrong. Only a right thing done in a right way is right; i.e., God’s perfect plan must use perfect power for its execution. A right thing can only be done in a right way through the utilization of divine power inside the divine dynasphere.

                        f. Under the protocol plan of God, the end does not justify the means unless the means is the function of divine power inside the divine dynasphere. Both cause and effect, antecedent and procedure, means and end must comply with the utilization of divine power, which is always confined to the divine dynasphere, the only place of the filling of the Spirit.

                        g. The humanity of Christ during the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union utilized the prototype divine dynasphere. We now have available to us the operational-type divine dynasphere.

                        h. The procedure for the Church Age believer - a right thing done in a right way - is the believer’s residence, function, and momentum inside the divine dynasphere. This procedure is the only place and the only way for the utilization of divine power for the fulfillment of the protocol plan of God and the glorification of God.

                        i. This procedure cannot function in your life as a believer unless you understand and use the most basic problem solving device:  the rebound technique of 1 Jn 1:9. When we sin, we are outside the divine dynasphere. When we rebound (name that sin), we reenter the divine dynasphere through gate #1, the filling of the Spirit. We name or cite our sin(s) to God - the only legitimate function of our priesthood outside the divine dynasphere - and we are instantly forgiven since those sins were already judged on the cross.

                        j. Inside the divine dynasphere, the believer is under two categories of delegated power:  the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit (gate #1) and metabolized doctrine (#4). This fulfills the principle of doing a right thing in a right way. The filling of the Spirit is the means; the perception of Bible doctrine is the result and the momentum for the Christian life.

                        h. The believer who flunks the procedure test functions in Satan’s cosmic system. The creature power of Satan is based on energy plus arrogance. The creature power of mankind is based on arrogance of self-improvement. The believer in the cosmic system has divorced himself completely from divine power and will be a loser as long as he lives.

                        i. Therefore, the protocol plan of God is the lifestyle of the royal family of God utilizing divine power in the divine dynasphere.

                        j. Protocol is the modus operandi of Christianity, the execution of the Christian way of life, the glorification of God as a result. Protocol is the procedure of doing a right thing in a right way. Protocol means have spiritual class; the life of virtue produced from the power of God.

     11. Protocol “prescribes complete deference to superior rank and delegated authority” from God. God has delegated authority in both the temporal and spiritual realm.

                        a. In the temporal realm, divine authority is delegated through the divine laws of establishment to believers and unbelievers alike in the national entity. In this way, freedom can coexist with authority. Freedom without authority is anarchy; authority without freedom is tyranny.

                        b. In the temporal realm, the believer is mandated to identify and orient to all systems of human authority delegated under the divine laws of establishment. For example, the husband has authority over the wife, parents over their children, government over its citizens, teacher over his students, coach over his athletes, management over labor, investors over management, commissioned officers over enlisted personnel, law enforcement over citizens to ensure their privacy, freedom, and the sacredness of their life and property. Also added in any culture with establishment, certain rules of etiquette govern social life, so that we become civilized in our social contacts. This include rules which manifest courtesy and thoughtfulness for others, including deference to the ladies, aged, and helpless.

                        c. For the Church Age believer, there is spiritual authority:  the authority of Bible doctrine, the statement of divine policy; the authority of the pastor over his congregation for the communication of Bible doctrine, for the clarification of God’s plan, purpose, and will for your life; the authority of the royal priesthood for taking the responsibility for your own decisions, good or bad, and for your own mental attitude, motives, and actions.

                        d. The Christian who has an authority problem inevitably suffers from arrogance and will never fulfill the plan of God so long as that condition exists. Through ignorance or rejection of doctrine, that believer will function under human power which is totally inadequate for the execution of God’s plan.

                        e. Authority orientation is related to enforced and genuine humility at gate #3 of the divine dynasphere.

                        f. From authority orientation originates both objectivity and teachability for epistemological rehabilitation, the cognition of the mystery doctrine through which we learn the mechanics for the execution of the protocol plan of God. No believer can execute God’s plan apart from the utilization of divine power. After salvation, this can only be utilized through perception of Bible doctrine.

                        g. Through the utilization of divine power inside the divine dynasphere and the resulting metabolized doctrine, we experience a system of spiritual growth, progressing from spiritual babyhood to spiritual childhood to adolescence to spiritual adulthood:  spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy, and finally spiritual maturity. Progression in the Christian life is impossible apart from residence inside the divine dynasphere and the daily perception of Bible doctrine.

     12. Protocol is “strict adherence to due order and precedence.”

                        a. Through daily residence inside the divine dynasphere, under the enabling power of the Spirit and momentum from metabolized doctrine, the believer is able to organize his thinking. Out of organized, doctrine thinking or divine viewpoint comes a system of priorities.

                        b. You must have right priorities to fulfill the principle of doing a right thing in a right way. The right priorities of the protocol plan of God inevitably result in a permanent correct scale of values.

                        c. Adherence to due order establishes six priorities in life.

                                    (1) In God’s plan, divine mandates are first. When you first learn Bible doctrine, you learn that the commands of God cannot be executed in the energy of the flesh. So you learn that God has a system.

                                    (2) In God’s system, virtue must be first. Morality is not adequate, for it is something the unbeliever can do under human power. Virtue requires that you grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

                                    (3) In God’s purpose, Christ must be first. But no one really puts Christ first until he reaches spiritual self- esteem and occupation with Jesus Christ.

                                    (4) In God’s policy, grace must be first. This grace orientation causes us to understand that God’s perfect plan can actually be fulfilled by imperfect creatures!

                                    (5) In God’s objective, momentum (from Bible doctrine) is first.

                                    (6) In God’s authority, doctrine is first.

                        d. From this comes cognition of precedence, which means relationship with God must precede relationship with mankind. Divine power must have priority over human power. You must have right experience with God before you can have right experience with people. Wrong experience with God means wrong experience with people.

                        e. Number one priority demands that you have a right relationship with God. As an expression of this, emphasis on people over God must be set aside. God emphasis must take the place of people emphasis. Only then do people relationships begin to improve.

                        f. Divine power is delegated and utilized only inside the divine dynasphere. People power is delegated and utilized in Satan’s cosmic system. The delegation of divine power is the subject of Eph 1:19-20.

                        h. But for those who use human power as a substitute for divine power, for those who are ignorant of doctrine and who resist doctrine, they can only become a cosmic Christian, described in nine ways in the New Testament epistles. The cosmic Christian is:

                                    (1) The enemy of the cross, Phil 3:18.

                                    (2) The enemy of God, Jas 4:4.

                                    (3) A hater of God, Jn 15:23

                                    (4) Anti-(against) Christ, 1 Jn 2:18, 22, 4:3; 2 Jn 7.

                                    (5) Carnal, Rom 8:7; 1 Cor 3:1-2.

                                    (6) The disciple of the devil, 1 Jn 3:8,10.

                                    (7) Grieves the Holy Spirit, Eph 4:30, and quenches the Holy Spirit, 1 Thes 5:19.

     13. Protocol means “precisely correct procedure.”

                        a. Since superior divine power has been delegated to the divine dynasphere, all precisely correct procedure occurs inside the divine dynasphere - the place for the execution of the protocol plan of God. We enter only through gate #1 (the filling of the Holy Spirit), but function at all the gates. Gate #2 is spiritual childhood, basic doctrine and problem solving devices; gate #3 is authority orientation in enforced and genuine humility; #4 is perception, metabolization, and application of doctrine, the momentum gate; #5 is spiritual self-esteem and personal love for God; #6 is spiritual autonomy and impersonal love for all mankind; #7 is momentum testing; and #8 is spiritual maturity, having the +H of God.

                        b. Precisely correct procedure comes with maximum metabolized doctrine in your soul.

                        c. Precisely correct procedure demands the utilization of divine power.

     14. All this adds up to the fact that the Christian way of life cannot be executed in the flesh, or by any system of human power, ability, personality, or works. The Christian way of life is a supernatural way of life and demands a supernatural means of execution. This is why God has made available to us, with our precedence from the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union, the omnipotence of all three members of the Trinity.


V.  Divine Omnipotence Available to the Church Age Believer.

            1. Omnipotence of God the Father.

                        a. The omnipotence of God the Father is available to us, related to our portfolio of invisible assets. Eph 1:18-19 is the first apostolic prayer for those believers who would form the first pivot in the Church Age. “I also pray that the eyes of your right lobe may be enlightened [epistemological rehabilitation after salvation] so that you may know what is the hope [hope 2 and 3] of His calling [efficacious grace and election], what are the riches of the glory [divine capitalization of the new spiritual species] of His inheritance for the saints [escrow blessings when the protocol plan of God is executed], and what is the surpassing greatness of His power [omnipotence of God the Father related to our portfolio of invisible assets and protocol plan of God] to us who have believed for the working of His superior power.”

                        b. The omnipotence of God the Father in eternity past provided our portfolio of invisible assets in three categories.

                                    (1) Primary assets are designed and administered by God the Father, and include escrow and computer assets.

                                    (2) Secondary assets are designed by God the Father, but depend upon the believer’s utilization of divine power. These include volitional assets, production assets, assets of undeserved suffering, and the invisible impact assets.

                                    (3) Personnel assets are designed by God the Father but administered through the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit: spiritual gifts.

                        c. There is no substitute for the utilization of divine omnipotence in the execution of the protocol plan of God. One hundred percent of divine power is available to you right now.

                        d. Therefore, there is no substitute for the three R’s of post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation.

                                    (1) Reception of doctrine:  there must a continual exposure, positive volition, a willingness from your own self-motivation to continue to grow in grace.

                                    (2) Retention of doctrine is the metabolization of doctrine, the converting of gnosis into epignosis doctrine.

                                    (3) Recall of doctrine is the application of metabolized doctrine to experience.

                        e. Eph 1:20 answers the question as to when the omnipotence of God the Father became available for the divine capitalization of the believer, “which superior power He put into operation by means of Christ when He [God the Father] raised Him [Jesus Christ] from the dead, and seated Him at His own right hand in heavenly places.”

                                    (1) The superior power refers to the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union, by which the humanity of Christ living in the prototype divine dynasphere executed the Father’s plan for the Incarnation and at the same time provided the pattern for the operational-type divine dynasphere in the great power experiment of the Church Age.

                                    (2) So the divine power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is now available to every Church Age believer under the great power experiment of the Church Age.

            2. Omnipotence of God the Son.

                        a. The omnipotence of Jesus Christ provides the perpetuation of human history during the great power experiment of the Church Age. This is accomplished in two ways.

                                    (1) The omnipotence of Jesus Christ holds the universe together.

                                    (2) The omnipotence of Jesus Christ guarantees the function of so-called “scientific laws,” which are really the demonstration of the omnipotence and faithfulness of our Lord Jesus Christ.

                        b. The omnipotence of Jesus Christ created the entire universe with all its functions according to Jn 1:3; Col 1:16; and Heb 1:10.

                        c. Furthermore, the omnipotence of Jesus Christ not only maintains, but also holds the universe together, which He created. Col 1:17, “And He [deity of Jesus Christ] existed eternally before all things, and by means of Him [omnipotence of Jesus Christ], the all things of the universe hold together.” Heb 1:3, “upholding all things by the Word of His [Christ’s] power.”

                        d. Therefore, so-called “scientific laws” are based upon the statistical assumption that the present universe, which operates according to a fixed norm, will continue to do so. While science can observe these laws through the function of empiricism, they cannot originate, guarantee, or perpetuate the divine laws provided by the omnipotence of Jesus Christ.

                        e. Therefore, so-called “scientific laws” are dependent on the function of the omnipotence of Jesus Christ, the manifestation of His grace and His faithfulness in the perpetuation of history down to the last day of the Millennium.

                        f. In every experiment, there must be consistency. So the consistent results of such things as chemical experiments merely demonstrate the faithfulness of the omnipotence of Jesus Christ.

                        g. Even during the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union when our Lord was being judged on the cross for the sins of the world in His own body (1 Pet 2:24), His omnipotence was holding the universe together and guaranteeing the perpetuation of every second it took to provide our eternal salvation.

                        h. During the Church Age, the omnipotence of Jesus Christ continues to hold the universe together and guarantees the perpetuation of human history, and therefore the perpetuation of mankind on earth. No sophisticated weaponry of mankind, no power of Satan can destroy the human race, for between us and destruction stands the omnipotence of Jesus Christ.

            3. Omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit.

                        a. The omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit is related to the following categories in the protocol plan of God, which are our predestination or provision from the sovereignty of God.

                                    (1) Equal privilege in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, whereby God the Holy Spirit enters every believer into union with our Lord Jesus Christ.                                     (2) Equal opportunity, provided by God the Holy Spirit entering every believer into gate #1 of the divine dynasphere at salvation, so that he is filled with the Spirit.

                        b. This is documented in Eph 3:16. “I pray that He may give you on the basis of the riches of His glory [divine capitalization of the Church Age believer through the portfolio of invisible assets], that you may become strong by means of power through His Spirit [omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit inside divine dynasphere] in your inner being.” The filling of the Spirit is tantamount to residence, function, and momentum inside the operational-type divine dynasphere, and to the Holy Spirit controlling the soul.

                        c. Eph 5:18 commands us to be filled with the Spirit, which means the Holy Spirit controls our soul. Gal 5:16 mandates us to walk by means of the Spirit, which is the function of the believer inside the operational-type divine dynasphere.

                        d. 1 Cor 12:13 explains the mechanics of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. “For by means of one Spirit we are all baptized into one body [formation of the royal family of God], whether Jews or Gentiles [no racial distinctions], whether slaves or free [no social or econ distinctions], for all were made to drink of one Spirit.” Just as drinking is a non-meritorious function, so is faith in Christ whereby God works for us, even at salvation.

                        d. 1 Cor 12:13 is the fulfillment of our Lord’s invitation to salvation which was given in the last day of the Feast of the Tabernacles in Jn 7:37-39. “Jesus stood up and shouted, saying, `If any person is thirsty [positive volition at God consciousness and Gospel hearing], let him come to me and drink [faith in Jesus Christ]. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, “Streams of living water shall flow from within him [omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit functioning through filling of the Holy Spirit].’ Now this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those who believe in Him were about to receive. For the Spirit was not yet given because Christ was not yet glorified.” The great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union had to be completed with the glorification of Christ before the great power experiment of the Church Age could exist.

                        e. The equal privileges of the Church Age believer are dramatized by the results of the baptism of the Holy Spirit which Jesus prophesied in Jn 14:20, Acts 1:5; verified in Rom 6, Gal 3:26-28, and Eph 4:5.

                        f. The extension of the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union into the Church Age means the same divine power is now available to each of us. Hence, we have been created a new spiritual species for the utilization of the 100% available divine power; i.e., the omnipotence of God the Father related to our portfolio of invisible assets, the omnipotence of Jesus Christ related to the perpetuation of history, and the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit related to the divine dynasphere.

                        g. The election of the royal family of God is designed to complement and to implement our Lord’s strategic victory in the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union.

                        h. Positional sanctification, which has removed so many areas of arrogant prejudice, barriers of antagonism, and systems of discrimination in the human race, include at least nine areas, all of which have been removed by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, unique to this Church Age:  racial prejudice, sexual discrimination, cultural barriers, social barriers, economic antagonisms, class distinctions, personality conflicts, ideological conflicts, political and religious barriers.

                        i. Every Church Age believer has become an heir of God, a joint-heir with Jesus Christ.

                        j. Equal privilege for each member of the body of Christ under the computer asset of predestination means that we are in union with Christ and we have available to us the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit.

                        k. Eternal security for both winners and losers in the protocol plan of God is guaranteed and can never be removed. But God has provided through His power, grace, and policy everything you need to be a winner in the Church Age. Therefore, your life has meaning, purpose, and definition.


W.  The Indwelling of the Holy Trinity in Every Church Age Believer.

            1. For the only time in human history, God the Father actually indwells the body of every believer in the Church Age, Jn 14:23; Eph 4:5; 2 Jn 9. The purpose for the indwelling of God the Father is:

                        a. Related to the glorification of His protocol plan for the Church Age, Eph 1:3, 6, 12.

                        b. A guarantee of His personal ministry to you as a believer, both in time and in the eternal future. In time, it has to do with the fact that He is the author of our very own portfolio of invisible assets, the grantor of our escrow blessings, the mastermind of the protocol plan of God, and the designer of the divine dynasphere.

                        c. A part of the content of the mystery doctrine in this unique Church Age.

            2. The indwelling of Jesus Christ is well-documented in Jn 14:20, 17:22, 23, 26; Rom 8:10; 2 Cor 13:5; Gal 2:20; Col 1:27; 1 Jn 2:24. The purpose for the indwelling of Jesus Christ is:

                        a. To be a sign and a badge of our royalty, being royal family of God. We are designed to complement and implement our Lord’s strategic victory in the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union.

                        b. A guarantee of life after death in the presence of God forever.

                        c. As the depositor and escrow officer of our escrow blessings, the indwelling of Jesus Christ is a guarantee of the distributions of our escrow blessings upon our attainment of spiritual maturity.

                        d. It therefore motivates momentum in the protocol plan of God. Occupation with the person of Christ is one of the highest motivations in life. Christ is “in you, the hope of glory.”

                        e. It is the basis of assigning #1 priority to relationship with God over relationship with people.

                        f. It is the basis of assigning top priority to the utilization of divine power as the humanity of Christ used it in the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union.

            3. The indwelling of God the Holy Spirit is unique to this dispensation, documented in Rom 8:11; 1 Cor 3:16, 6:19-20; 2 Cor 6:16. The purpose for the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit is:

                        a. To provide a temple for the indwelling of Jesus Christ as the Shekinah Glory. Jesus Christ can indwell you body because the Holy Spirit also indwells you and provides in your body a Holy of Holies for Christ’s indwelling.

                        b. To provide a base of operations for the execution of God’s perfect protocol plan.

                        c. To provides a guarantee of two categories of Christian modus operandi.

                                    (1) The filling of the Holy Spirit (Eph 5:18), tantamount to the Holy Spirit controlling your soul so that the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit can teach you Bible doctrine.

                                    (2) Walking by means of the Spirit, Gal 5:16, tantamount to living inside the divine dynasphere. Therefore, the omnipotence of the indwelling Spirit provides the enablement for the execution of God’s plan and for His glorification.

            4. Three distinctions must be made.

                        a. The believer must distinguish between the indwelling of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit. These are two separate and distinct functions by two separate and distinct members of the Holy Trinity. Jesus Christ indwells our bodies as the Shekinah Glory, the guarantee of our escrow blessings. The Holy Spirit indwells our bodies to provide a temple for the indwelling of Jesus Christ.

                        b. The believer must distinguish between the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit in our bodies and the filling of the Holy Spirit inside the divine dynasphere.

                                    (1) The indwelling of God the Holy Spirit provides a temple for the indwelling of Jesus Christ and a base of operations for the execution for the protocol plan of God. The indwelling of God the Holy Spirit also provides a guarantee against demon invasion of the human body.

                                    (2) The filling of the Holy Spirit is the status quo of the believer living inside the divine dynasphere. The filling of the Holy Spirit is the experience of spirituality, while the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit is not an experience, not progressive; it cannot be improved, seen, or felt.

                                    (3) Technically, the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit occurs in the body of the believer; the filling of the Holy Spirit occurs in the soul of the believer.

                                    (4) The believer living in the divine dynasphere is filled with the Spirit. Therefore, residence in the divine dynasphere is the only place for the utilization of power of the Spirit, both in learning Bible doctrine and in the execution of God’s plan.

                                    (5) But no matter what the status quo of the believer experientially, he is always indwelt by the Spirit. Though the believer may grieve or quench the Spirit by living in the cosmic system, he is still indwelt by the Spirit. You can lose the filling of the Holy Spirit through carnality, but you cannot lose the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit.

                        c. The believer must distinguish between the indwelling of Jesus Christ in our bodies and the glorification of Jesus Christ in our bodies.

                                    (1) The indwelling of Jesus Christ in our bodies is perpetual status not related to our experience.

                                    (2) The glorification of Christ in our bodies is the ultimate experience of the protocol plan of God.

                                    (3) The indwelling of Jesus Christ is not an experience and continues regardless of our spiritual status, just like the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit.

                                    (4) The glorification of Christ in our bodies is the experience of spiritual maturity, the execution of the protocol plan of God for the Church Age.

                                    (5) Each stage of spiritual adulthood is characterized by an experience related to Christ in our bodies.

                                                (a) The experience of spiritual self-esteem at gate #5 of the divine dynasphere is classified in Gal 4:19 as “Christ being formed in you.”       (b) The experience of spiritual autonomy at gate #6 of the divine dynasphere is classified in Eph 3:17 as “Christ being at home in our bodies.”

                                                © The experience of spiritual maturity at gate #8 of the divine dynasphere is classified in Phil 1:20 as “Christ being glorified in our bodies.”

                                    (6) None of these experiences are to be confused with the indwelling of Jesus Christ. These experiences find their precedence in the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union. In the great power experiment of the Church Age, every believer, winner or loser, will be indwelling of Jesus Christ until his death.

                        d. The indwelling members of the Godhead must never be confused with the experience of attainment related to residence, function, and momentum inside the divine dynasphere. The believer only experiences the power of God inside the divine dynasphere, under the enabling power of the Spirit, and momentum from metabolized doctrine. Without this, there is no advance in the spiritual life.


X.  Objective of Church Age Believer:  To Become an Invisible Hero.

            1. Power for this must come from God. As Jesus said in Acts 1:8, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” “Upon you” is a Koine phrase: the Greek preposition EPI plus the accusative plural of relationship. It is relationship with God that will turn things around in history. You have available 100% divine power for the execution of the precisely correct protocol plan of God. The power we receive at salvation is the basis for the function of invisible heroes for the deliverance of the spiritual autonomy.

            2. In Rom 15:13, confidence is related to the omnipotence of God the Father, omnipotence of Jesus Christ, and omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit provided for us, “That you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” The Greek word ELPIS doesn’t mean confidence in self or in human ability, but in divine ability. X+Y+Z equals the protocol plan of God. Some believers grow in grace, understanding from Bible doctrine the precisely correct procedures of the protocol plan of God, and become invisible heroes.

            3. There is a stability which results from this, taught in 1 Cor 2:4-5. “Both my doctrine and my preaching were not in the persuasive words of man’s wisdom, but in the demonstration of the Spirit and of the power. And this is the power of God, that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.”

            4. We have the same divine power available to us that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, according to 2 Cor 13:4. “For indeed, He was crucified because of weaknesses [our personal sins], yet He lives because of the power of God. For we also are weak in Him, yet we shall live with Him because of the power of God directed toward you.” The visible hero of the First Advent became the invisible hero, while providing our salvation, when darkness covered the hill.

            5. 2 Tim 1:7, “God has not given to us a lifestyle of fear, but of power, and of virtue-love, and of sound judgment.”

            6. Divine power is related to the great power experiment of the Church Age. 2 Pet 1:3, “Since His divine power has given to us everything pertaining to life [omnipotence of God the Father related to portfolio of invisible assets] and godliness [execution of the protocol plan of God] through the metabolized knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory.”

                        a. “Godliness” is a part of that precisely correct procedure inside the divine dynasphere. Invisible heroes are occupied with Christ therefore motivated by personal love for God.

                        b. We were designed by virtue of our personal faith in Christ, of becoming royal family of God, new spiritual species, to be invisible heroes. That is our objective, but that status is not attained apart from spiritual maturity.

            7. Eph 3:16 teaches that the protocol plan of God is executed through divine power. “That He may give you, on the basis of the riches of His glory [portfolio of invisible assets], that you may become strong by means of power through the Spirit [residence in divine dynasphere] in your inner being.” Invisible heroes change history in the Church Age!

            8. Col 1:10-12 teaches some of the concepts of the mission God has assigned to Church Age believers.

                        a. Verse 10, “That you might walk in a manner worthy of the Lord for the purpose of pleasing Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good of intrinsic value achievement; in fact, constantly growing by means of metabolized doctrine from God,”

                                    (1) “To walk worthy of the Lord” is a description of how a believer becomes an invisible hero. For the impact of history at the present time is designed to be an invisible impact. The real trends of history depends upon what happens to believers in the client nation.

                                    (2) When God did forty things for your at salvation, that was the beginning of the making of a potential invisible hero. The visible heroes lived in Old Testament times; they were very much in the forefront, e.g., Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David. We admire these men and their magnificent development of the faith-rest drill. But these men were less than 1%, surrounded by 99% apostate believers, who were spiritual peasants and peons, losers. Those few heroes were men of wisdom with doctrine in their soul, who applied that doctrine to their experience.

                                    (3) But we live in the Church Age, and take our precedence only from the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union. We have a portfolio of invisible assets and are designed to be invisible heroes, which means we must attain spiritual maturity. When enough do (4-5%), there is a pivot that can deliver the client nation.

                                    (4) So “to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord” means to follow the pattern set by our Lord in the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union. The royal family of God uses the omnipotence of God the Father in its portfolio of invisible assets and everything God has provided to become invisible heroes, in order to form a pivot to deliver client nation USA.

                                    (5) You can’t walk in a manner worthy of the Lord until you understand the dispensation in which you live and the protocol plan of God with its precisely correct procedure. In other words, no one is a hero without maximum doctrine in the soul!

                                    (6) Invisible heroes are not public heroes or men pleasers; they are pleasers of God in all things; i.e., by the perception of Bible doctrine, by the momentum from that which carries them to spiritual maturity.

                                    (7) The good of intrinsic value achievement is the attainment of spiritual self-esteem, gate #5 of the divine dynasphere; the advance to spiritual autonomy, gate #6 of the divine dynasphere; and the attainment of spiritual maturity, gate #8 of the divine dynasphere.

                                    (8) “Constantly growing” means there must be perseverance in the perception of Bible doctrine. As the Romans said, “He is a winner who perseveres.” That is the way invisible heroes are made: you must persevere in the perception of Bible doctrine! This means you must put first things first every day:  doctrine first. This includes the reception, retention (metabolization), and recall (application) of doctrine; tantamount to post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation.

                        b. Verse 11, “Because we have been endowed with all divine power from the superior power of His glory resulting in all endurance and patience with happiness,

    (1) Being endowed with all divine power refers to the 100% divine power available in three categories for this dispensation only: the omnipotence of God the Father related to our portfolio of invisible assets; the omnipotence of Jesus Christ related to the preservation of human history and giving us a day at a time; and the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit related to residence, function, and momentum in the divine dynasphere, all of which are designed to make us invisible heroes.

                                    (2) The same divine power available in the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union has now been made available to us in the great power experiment Church Age.

                                    (3) Endurance refers to your daily perception of Bible doctrine.

                                    (4) Happiness is the ultimate problem solving device of the spiritual life.

                        c. Verse 12, “Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us for a share of the endowment of the saints in the light.”

                                    (1) God the Father has qualified us through:

                                                (a) Our portfolio of invisible assets, through the indwelling of each person of the Trinity.

                                                (b) The maximum availability of divine power in three categories.

                                                © The baptism of the Holy Spirit at salvation resulting in the extension of the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union into the Church Age.

                                                (d) The creation of a new spiritual species for the utilization of maximum divine power.

                                                (e) The election of the royal family of God, designed to complement and implement our Lord’s strategic victory of the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union.

                                                (f) Every Church Age believer becoming the heir of God and joint-heir with Jesus Christ.

                                                (g) Our equal privilege and opportunity as members of the body of Christ.

                                                (h) Our royal priesthood, through the spiritual I.Q. we receive from the filling of the Holy Spirit to learn Bible doctrine.

                                    (2) Hence, God has qualified us to become invisible heroes to deliver our client nation in its time of greatest need.

                                    (3) We are “in the light” but invisible. Light is a synonym for life in the divine dynasphere, our invisible palace where the power of the Holy Spirit resides.

                                    (4) Since the moment of your salvation, you were qualified to become an invisible hero. Only the mature believer who enters the pivot has invisible historical impact. As goes your life as a believer, so goes your client nation.

   Y.  The Problem Solving Devices. (See doctrine of Problem Solving Devices.)

            1. There are ten great problem solving devices which can be used by believers in spiritual adulthood.

            2. There are two general objectives in the Christian way of life.

                        a. To execute the protocol plan of God and thereby glorify God.

                        b. From your own frame of reference in your right lobe, from your own accumulation of Bible doctrine in your soul, to solve your individual and collective problems of life from your very own inventory of metabolized doctrine. That means you must utilize the problem solving devices. This will result in equating adversity with prosperity, so that you are no longer a slave to your environment and circumstances. The four great problem solving devices are designed to carry you through every situation in life so that you can throw away all your crutches. You don’t need to seek counsel from someone else.

            3. These great problem solving devices are the means of advancing through each stage of spiritual adulthood. Post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation through the three R’s (reception, retention, recall) results in the attainment of spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy, and spiritual maturity.

            4. Using these great problem solving devices finally results in finding the greatest blessings of your life, not confined just to prosperity which is an obvious blessing, but also including adversity while suffering for blessing.

            5. See the doctrine of Happiness to complete this study.




R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1992, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
